The Rhythm of Life

Diese CD hat viele Zikrs. Es gibt uptempo und jazzy Zikrs andere sind eher traditionel. uchlein gibt er Erklärung uber was Zikrs sind und was zie vor mir bedeuten. Die Zikr 'The Rhythm of Life' ist ein 'Ohrwurm' mit eine Melodie der bei uns bleibt, und uns erinnert (sowie Zikr das tut – das Word Zikr bedeutet erinneren) dass es keinen Grenzen zijn an das Götliche.
by ZubinNur
Introduction to Zikr
Though inspiration guides me to write something on this subject there is also a feeling of some trepidation as I do, because Zikr is an experience. It is not something that can be caught in words, for the very words may well lead to discussion and the whole reason for participating in Zikr is to experience Divine Unity. Words cannot ever fully describe the experience, and of course the experience is different for each participant. So this is some short guideline/ explanation of the unexplainable ~ may be now you can understand my trepidation?
It also feels appropriate to address the shamanic aspect of this work. The value of Zikr is that it works and travels beyond, through, above and beneath all peoples, traditions and religions. Even though as we practice it, it is an esoteric practice from the Islamic tradition, it is far more than can be contained in any one stream of religion, since religions have found it necessary to compete against each other, and vie for ‘believers’ instead of remembering the Joy and Truth in each message and the fundamental message of each religion that there is a Divine Energy that connects us all which leads us to respect each other. This is the Truth that underlies not only each religion it is also the Spiritual Wisdom of the Ancient Wisdom Keepers, the shamans, and all medicine women and men.
As one of the leaders of the Indigenous peoples of Americas Eagle Clan Dave Courchene says : “The Foundation of all life is Love.”[1] These words are ultimately the foundation of every form of religion and belief only we as humans have wandered from and lost touch with this fundamental Truth. Still we can return to this Truth both within religion and outside of it. As we grow in our understanding and embodiment of the Zikr we will return to the Sacredness of All Life. This is precisely the message of the Indigenous Peoples who have “Remembered”.
The word Zikr means Remembrance and so it is the practice of Remembrance. It has roots in the Islamic tradition and still is related to all forms of meditative, sung prayer with or without body movement. The words which we often sing in Zikr are “La illaha il Allah Hu” (there may be many variations on these words according to the dialects of Arabic used) and some Zikrs also use the 99 Beautiful Names of God. These are names used in the Qu’ran to describe Allah. For more information on these ‘facets of The Divine’ see the part in the book entitled Wazaif.
The practice is one of remembering that there is nothing that is not God. This is the translation of the Arabic words. The first part “La illaha” is a statement of denial – “There is nothing”. The second part “Il Allah Hu” affirms that all is in God. Though probably opinions will vary on interpretation, to me this means that literally in the whole of Creation there is nothing – no single solitary part of the Whole of Creation that is not part of the Divine Whole. As this practise deepens an awareness comes of the Truth of this statement and an insight that we cannot judge on the basis of this small part of life we experience. That there is an Ultimate Truth and that All is a part of it. I have found that the more I do this practice the deeper my understanding of this ‘wholeness’ becomes. Nothing, NO THING is excluded. This can be quite an insight when I am feeling hot under the collar about something! That too is God!
To read more of the introduction and words to the Zikrs download here ENJOY!
1 Step out of your fear into love
2. Bedouin EstaferAllah
3. The Mercy of This World
4. Allah is the Rhythm
5. Ishq, Ishq Allah
6. Element EstaferAllah Zikr
7. Allah Nur
8 Subhan Allahi
9. Healing Ritual Zikr
10. Sufi Zikr
11. Zikr of Transformation
12. Inna Lillahi la Sa-bina
13. Adorami Nuri Zikr
14. Alhamdulillah Zikr
15. Loving the You in Me
16. Allah Salsa