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Sound Soul Healing

Jetst ist diese zweite CD herauskommen: eine Aufnahme von Mantra – Gesang mit Obertönen während einer Mantra – Heilsession. Obwohl die Mantren tausende von Jahren alt sind, wird es wieder so sein, dass Zubin die Melodien singt, die zu ihr „kommen" , wobei es nicht ungewöhnlich ist, dass die „neuen" Melodien den traditionellen sehr ähnlich sind. Es gibt eine Einstimmung in das Akasha.
Für mehr Informationen über Sound Soul Healing Hier klicken bitte.

  ~ A Sacred Mantric Journey
into the Healing and
of the Divine Feminine ~
by ZubinNur

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This music is a recording of a Sound Soul Healing session. The mantras are full of blessing and have been used in India for Praise, Enlightenment and Healing for more than 5,000 years. The melodies are not originally from India but came to me as the mantras came alive in my heart.

Merged in the One
The Unity of All in All
Merged in embodied Oneness
The Unity of body, mind and heart,
Merged in the One,
that ever was,
that ever is,
that ever will be
Without distinction or separation
Merged in the One.

To read more of the notes on Sound Soul Healing and the instructions for use please, retrun to the top of the page and download the booklet. ENJOY. It is also possible to make an appointment for a personal Sound Soul Healing Session and ZubinNur will sing the mantras with overtones for you. A session still only costs €101- Send me an email if you would like to make an appointment.